

What does Shtposter means?

Another way of typing “shitposter.” It describes someone who derives joy from posting off-topic content on social platforms like Twitter. They aim to steer reactions, anger, or confusion with their posts. Over time, people consider their posts worthless.


  1. “I’m not surprised. They’re shtposters.”
  2. “Their social media handler is a legit shtposter”

Random Slangs


As opposed to non-fungibility, fungibility means replaceability. It describes the ability of an item to be tradable or exchangeable for other commodities. For instance, cryptocurrencies

PFP project

Shorthand for ‘profile picture’, so a ‘PFP project’ is essentially the same as a 10k project or an avatar project. This term is coined because the avatars in these NFT collections are often used as profile pictures on Twitter, Discord, etc.

Gas Fee

This is the amount paid in crypto for transacting on a particular blockchain. The gas fee is typically a fraction of the native coin of


ERC-721 is a set of standards that provides guides for creating non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This is in contrast to ERC-20, which is for creating fungible

Play to Earn (P2E)

These are decentralized games powered by smart contracts that reward players with tokens and digital assets. P2E gamers often access the games via their NFTs

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