

What does GPU means?

An acronym for “graphics processing unit.” A type of CPU (central processing unit) that speeds up digital rendering. In crypto, powerful GPUs are an essential part of a system that mines cryptocurrencies since the process often requires high computing power.

Random Slangs


They’re an influential personality in a crypto network (characterized by having huge capital whose decision can make or mare a project). For instance, a project


A community-based chatting platform where members of an NFT community interact and disseminate information. Discord’s structure features a server with many communication channels. The server

Liquidity pool

Crowd-sourced pool of cryptocurrencies or tokens locked in a smart contract to facilitate trades between the assets on a decentralized exchange (DEX).


A short form of “decentralized finance.” DeFi defines technology that gives users control over their financial transactions. However, many DeFi systems operate on the blockchain


A loose spelling of “when.” Crypto communities use it to inquire about the time of an event. Examples “Wen WL:” Asks when an NFT whitelist

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